Experience Oman


Every day


8 days





09:00马斯喀特观光游阿曼首都马斯喀特的观光游是吸收阿拉伯氛围并探索这座古老建筑和古迹与现代生活相结合的城市的绝好机会。这次旅行的第一眼是苏丹卡布斯大清真寺,这是世界建筑的杰作。它花了6年时间才架起,并于2001年成功启用。这座清真寺是一幢由砂岩和大理石制成的传统轻型伊斯兰建筑。它有5个宣礼塔-一个主宣礼塔和4个副宣礼塔,营造出独特的外观。内部设计充满了马赛克,巨大的手工波斯地毯和装饰有水晶的枝形吊灯。我们的下一站是皇家歌剧院-阿曼音乐和舞台艺术的明珠。我们无法回避的第三景是Muttrah Souq –该市场就位于阿曼湾两岸。如果您想了解阿曼的日常生活,那是一个理想的地方。只需排成一排,寻找物品,讨价还价,即可享受乐趣,在这里,您可以找到一切,从调料到传统地毯,花瓶或纪念品的开始。看到市场后,我们还应该看看穆特拉堡垒。葡萄牙人在1580年代建造堡垒时,这座堡垒一直引领着它的历史。过去曾是竞争对手的军事防御,但今天它向游客开放。马斯喀特接下来要看到的是著名的Al Alam宫殿-苏丹卡布斯的住所。城堡的两侧环绕着宫殿,因此您可能会欣赏壮丽的风景。它位于城市中心,总是吸引着很多游客,尽管人们不被允许进去,但他们可以轻松地到处走走并拍照留念。

08:00-从马斯喀特开始向东海岸的旅程,并在比玛(Bimmah)的下水道第一站。在这里短暂游泳并通往瓦迪沙布(Wadi Shab)的入口。在这里,乘坐小轮渡过湖后,我们开始在瓦迪沙布(Wadi Shab)远足。这是一次轻松的徒步旅行,将我们带到美丽的新鲜游泳池,在那里我们可以游泳到带瀑布的隐藏洞穴中。然后,我们继续前往瓦迪提维,并在瓦迪越野陡峭的公路上进行冒险活动,那里有当地的村庄,法拉吉系统以及芒果,枣树,木瓜,香蕉,橙子和酸橙的睫毛种植园。到了晚上,我们到达了拉斯阿尔金兹海龟保护区的酒店,并享用了晚餐。晚餐后,我们将带领龟保护区见证龟生活的独特时刻-在野外的海滩上躺下卵。




After breakfast we enjoy a short sightseeing in Sur including Dhow building yard, Light house and a beautiful city corniche, and head toward to Wadi Bani Khalid


Here we stop for a refreshing swimming in fresh deep pools and explore the hidden Mukal Cave. Relax under the sun and feel a nice breeze from the mountains. After tasty lunch in the Wadi, we then drive to Bidiya village.Today we are going to visit Bedouin family in the desert. After spending some time with the family and enjoying Omani coffee and dates, we arrive to the desert camp.  In the evening we drive deep in the desert to watch sunset from the dunes and  take an amazing photographs.   BBQ dinner at the camp. After dinner enjoy a friendly conversation with friends around the camp fire.Overnight in Desert Camp.

Breakfast at the Resort. Check out 09:00 – After breakfast we drive  to the biggest Fort in Oman in Bahla , the UNESCO Heritage site. It was restored in traditional way of building and now stays over the rocks in full glory.

Our next sight one of the most famous museums in Oman, which is located in the village of Al Hamra.The village is 20 minutes away from Bahla,and is located at the foot of the mountains




. The museum is known as a “living museum”, but it has the shape of an old Omani house, which provides an exceptional experience that resembles the ancient
Omani Then  we have lunch at local restaurant with traditional food.  Next part of our day will take us to Misfat Al Abryeen old village where we walk along an ancient falaj system in a pleasant shade of fruit plantations before stop at the traditional stone house for dinner and overnight.

09:00 – From hotel we start our journey toward to Al Hoota Cave. Visit of Al Hoota is unforgettable as The Cave is of the most impressive in the World. It is open for visitors and keeps great collection of stalagmits and stalactits in it’s chambers.

From here we take our route to Nizwa, the silver capital of Oman. Here we are going to visit 17th century Nizwa Fort and spend some time at its traditional souq of spices, Omani sweets, pottery and silver. After short break with Omani coffee and dates, we drive up to Jebel Akhdar, known as Green Mountain for its fruit and rose gardens. We arrive to the resort by late afternoon, relax by the pool and watch sunset over the canyon. Dinner at the hotel and overnight.

After Breakfast at the hotel we will visit the ancient village of Wadi Bani Habib and we leave the mountain Jebel Ahdar going back to Muscat. At 14:00 we check into the hotel.  In the evening we will have farewell dinner at a traditional Omani restaurant

Breakfast at hotel. The official check-out time is 12:00 PM. At a pre-scheduled time transfer to the airport for departure.

What’s included

7 nights hotel accommodation as per above program.

Al Falaj Hotel**** or similar

Al Falaj Hotel**** or similar

Turtle beach resortl*** or similar

Arabian Oryx Camp or similar

Misfah Old House or similar

Sama hotel jabal al akhdar or similar

Al Falaj Hotel**** or similar



Toyorta 4wd

Toyota Hiace

Not included


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Tour Name Price Per Adult Price Per Child Available Seats Departure Date Duration
Experience Oman $ 2,300 $ 0 4 Anytime 8 days

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